Sunday, November 2, 2008


Happy Halloween!
A little wet and soggy, but it was so nice to not be freezing. The kids had a blast and got more than enough candy. We carved pumpkins on Thursday night with my parents and brother...(which as you can see is always a major undertaking). Between my parents and ourselves we carved all the pumpkins that our gardens produced. My parents had two huge ones and some smaller ones. We actually broke out the power tools to carve the big ones. Anyway, we had a good time. Allie's is the one with the crown carved into it and Brock's is the Mr. Potato Head one. We had a crazy Halloween day. After Allie's costume parade at school I r an home packed for Logan, grabbed everything we would need for the afternoon and headed back to pick Allie up from school. We left at 12:00 and headed to Logan for the first playoff football game between Mt. Crest and Cypress (49-7)...go Stangs!! After that we hurried back home so that the kids could have enough trick-or-treating time...barely making it before all the candy was gone or porch lights turned off:)


Alison Ward said...

We had a witch and spiderman too! Hope you guys had a great Halloween!

Misty Anderson said...

Super cute! I still like Brock's cheerleading costume the best! Ha Ha

The Mason's said...

Brock and Allie looked so cute! Wish I would have been at Beau's house instead of Paislie's so they could have came by. Haha. See you in a few!

Tom and Misti Sherwood said...

Your kids looked great! It was good to see you that night. Love all the pumpkins. Looks like fun!

Canesa said...

SO my husband is SUPER paranoid after watching "the dangers of blogging" on the news and asked me to make sure that our last name isn't on any of our friends links. Sooo, at Burt's request, will you please change us to Burt & Canesa or something like that. What can I say, blame it on the profession?
By the way, I love that you are blogging, we can at least stay in touch that way. Your kids are so beautiful!