I can't believe he's almost one week old already. Last Thursday, July 30 at 4:30 in the morning the phone rang with a call from American Fork Hospital that they were ready for my induction. Jason and I had dropped Allie and Brock the night before with my parents so that we would be ready when that phone call came. Anyway, we arrived about 5:30 and by 6:00 they had me hooked up to the petocin, IV in, and were ready and waiting for the epidural. After the epidural was in, I fell asleep while Jason paced the room and waited. They set my petocin on "cruise control" as the nurse put it and before I knew it I was "complete" and ready to push. We had called my mom and told her to hurry down (she lives 5 minutes away) that I was ready to start pushing. I pushed 1 time and to my surprise out his head came. I still can't believe how fast it was. My mom came in literally missing it (due to road construction) by 2 minutes. Oh well...she loved walking in and having him here already. He weighed 7lbs 12oz and was 20 inches long. Jason and I had been struggling for months trying to decide on a name. The day before, the name Jace was not even on the list. When that name came into question...again...I liked that idea of both boys having a part of Jason's name. Brock having Jason as a middle name and Jace being short for Jason. Anyway, it works. We like it and seem to think it fits him. He is the sweetest, mild mannered boy. He is not very fond of a binkie (unless someone else gives it to him), but he doesn't seem to need it. He is very content and just likes to sleep and eat. He is eating well and doing pretty good at night. Allie and Brock seem to be adjusting pretty good. Allie gets a little frustrated with me because I am not letting her help as much as she would like. I keep telling her to give it a few weeks and then I will let her change diapers, help with baths, etc. She is dying to be my little helper. Brock has been better than expected. He loves to sit and hold him and try to interpret little noises that he makes. Jace made a little noise the other day and Brock said, "he says that he wants his mommy." The kids seem to be doing good and seem to be glad he's finally here. I think mostly they are glad that mommy isn't pregnant and grumpy anymore. Jason has been home this week and has been a huge help. He has taken the kids to do different activities like Thanksgiving Point, swimming, Chucky Cheese, etc. He has been great and I have to say I am truly grateful for an amazing husband and can't imagine life without him. I have had lots of time the past few days to reflect on the recent changes in our family. I look at my husband and think at one time it was just he and I. Then along came Allie, and eventually Brock, and now our sweet little Jace. We are so grateful to have 3 amazing children and pray constantly that we can be the best parents we can be. We love them sooo much and can't imagine life without them.
So sweet! It's a great time to reminisce and think of how you got where you are! Congratulations!
What sweet pictures of the kids with their new brother. I am excited to come see your little guy.
He's a cutie... Glad things went well and I love the name... We need to get together sometime..
It is really fun to read about your family! I remember when we were a family of 3 kids.... time flies! you look amazing too. keep up the good work with parenting.
i love you!
jenn. check out our blog. doublejlranch.blogspot.com
If that's how you look right after you have a baby, I'm not sure that I can be friends with you anymore! It only took me 8 months to comment on this...pretty quick huh!! :)
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